Seasonal Stress?

Seasonal Stress?

There are so many reasons to feel stressed at this time of year. In addition to all the things that stretch our everyday capacity, like rising prices, coping with winter weather, and the pressures of working too much or too little, seasonal expectations may add an additional pressure. Our relationship with ‘home’ whatever that means for you, may also be challenging. So often the childhood image of a cosy house may be painfully absent, for many different reasons.

If you are grieving someone, or managing change of any kind, there may be constant reminders of absence or difficulty. People may become acutely aware of feeling lonely, disconnected from others, or facing complex relationship dynamics in navigating this time of year. For some the focus is on personal grief, and for others there is more of a sense of distress about global issues. Often there is an interplay between both, and overwhelm might be a regular experience. Finding ways to play and have fun are important too, especially when times are tough.

In Grief Tending, we come together to practice finding simple resources, have a chance to express some of the challenges we face (whatever they are), and connect with others who may have very different experiences from us. In this way, we may also strengthen our compassion muscle. All of these skills may be much needed over the winter festival season. It can also be an unexpectedly uplifting experience. Remembering and connecting with what we love, and what supports us can be an important first step.

Grief Tending events for the season can be found here.

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